Perevalov V. (Orenburg State Pedagogical University)
Solodilova I. (Orenburg State University)
The article is dedicated to the review of the existing interpretations of the concept in cognitive linguistics and linguistic culturology.
The ambiguity of the interpretation of the term makes it possible to identify and analyze the discussion points within this problem.
As such, the article considers the dependence of conceptual content on language or extra-linguistic reality, the presence or absence of the connection of the concept with the mental (consensual) area, mandatory / optional presence of the name of the concept, recognition / rejection of subject concepts. In more detail, the authors dwell on the understanding of the concept presented by works of V.I. Karasik, expressing, arguing, their point of view on the above mentioned discussion questions and justify the choice of the concept model and the algorithm for studying its content.
Keywords:concept, concept sphere, model, value, concept characteristics.
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Citation link: Perevalov V. , Solodilova I. Concept: essential and structural characteristics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№03. -С. 177-183 |