Garbuzov Sergey Petrovich (Armavir state pedagogical University)
Nikiforov Yuri Borisovich (Armavir state pedagogical University)
Satosova Natalia Leonidovna (Armavir state pedagogical University)
The complexity of the educational process in the modern educational space in the implementation in practice of the basic provisions of the new generation of GEF is quite clearly manifested in the period of preparation for the writing of intermediate or final examinations, as well as in the preparation of students for the exam. In this regard, this article conducted a large analysis, which allowed to describe the main difficulties of physiological and psychological plan that may occur in high school students in preparation for certification. On the basis of the analyzed data on changes in the state of the body of students in preparation for the writing of intermediate and final works, recommendations on the method of using physical education as a way to strengthen the internal resources of the body, aimed at restoring and maintaining efficiency during the educational process. At the same time, due attention should be paid to the provision of physical training of students through physical training in the fresh air.
Keywords:educational process, students, performance, fatigue, means and methods of physical education, physical activity, physical activity, physiology of the modern student.
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Citation link: Garbuzov S. P., Nikiforov Y. B., Satosova N. L. The influence of physical training conducted year-round outdoor physical fitness of students // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№03. -С. 36-40 |