Li Fuchen (Dalian University of Foreign Languages, China, Dalian)
Political euphemism is a political linguistic phenomenon common to all languages. Political euphemisms are a special group of euphemisms, which has its own special features. Most scholars are inclined to believe that modern euphemisms are descended from ancient linguistic taboos. Systematization of the mechanism of forming political euphemisms still causes difficulties, despite the fact that scientists have studied it for a long time. Scientists note: the theory of nomination can have a huge impact on the analysis of the mechanism of the formation of political euphemisms. By political euphemism is implied an indirect nomination of political facts or phenomena. Unlike political dysphemisms, political euphemisms can increase the psychological distance between direct and indirect nominations, provide favorable conditions for political communication and show a new linguistic form of expression.
Keywords:political euphemisms, onomasiology, indirect nomination, political communication
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Citation link: Li F. Linguistic symbolic analysis of the mechanism of formation of political euphemisms // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№05. -С. 159-163 |