Kurbanov I. A. (Candidate of Philology, Professor, The Surgut State University)
Furzikov I. E. (The Surgut State University)
The present article researches issues affecting the study of conceptual metaphors, in particular, the artifact metaphor. The study analyzes the most frequent models of the construction of the metaphor which includes the “Artifact” concept. The object of the work is the artifact metaphor in the novel of J. Galsworthy “The Forsyte Saga. To Let.” The authors have tried to study and describe the main ways of preserving and translating the metaphorical models of the original novel into Russian.
Keywords:conceptual sphere, metaphoric model, concept.
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Citation link: Kurbanov I. A., Furzikov I. E. The artifact metaphor in the work of J. Galsworthy “The Forsyte Saga. To Let” and its translation into Russian // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2019. -№05. -С. 154-158 |