Ganiyeva Zh. E. (Baku Slavic University)
The semantic development of somatic expressions, which is essential in the modern Azerbaijani language, indicates the development of this language. The semantic features of somatic expressions, which make up most of the linguistic lexicology, are one of the urgent problems of the modern Azerbaijani language. A semantic analysis of the components of somatic expressions reveals the semantic features of this expression. In general, the semantic properties of somatic expressions are intended to elucidate the meaning of these expressions, study the types of meanings, elucidate their groups of meanings and origin, identity and identify the causes of changes.
Keywords:somatic expressions, variations, synonyms, lexicology, somatic words, expressiveness
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Citation link: Ganiyeva Z. E. Semantic properties of somatic expressions: variability and synonyms of somatic expressions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 132-136 |