Sarzhan Anatoly Afanasevich (doctor of historical sciences, professor, Donetsk National Technical University)
Poklonsky Alexander Olegovich (graduate student, Donetsk National Technical University)
The role of periodicals in the life of any developed society is very important. The development of periodicals is inextricably linked with the development of society. This article discusses the dependence of periodicals on democratization and publicity in the context of the economic crisis.
Keywords:periodicals, economic crisis, propaganda, publicity, democratization
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Citation link: Sarzhan A. A., Poklonsky A. O. Coverage of the economic crisis in the periodical press of the USSR during the period of perestroika (1985-1991) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 15-19 |