Kakvaeva S. B. (Assistant, FSBEI of HE «Dagestan State Medical University» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
The article analyzes the verbs of movement from the point of view of semantics and grammatical features - category of class, type, transitivity-intransition. Non-derivative (primitive) verbs of movement are characterized by the main differential tenses, their compatibility with nuclear actants is considered, as well as the most common sirconstants expressed in spatial cases.
Keywords:Lak language, movement verbs, class category, category category, intransitive and transitive verbs, “quasi-ergative” and binominative sentence constructions.
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Citation link: Kakvaeva S. B. General characteristics of non-derivative verbs of motion in Lak language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 137-143 |