Rybakova Galina Raisovna (candidate of biological Sciences; associate Professor, Siberian Federal University)
Klochkov Vladimir Pavlovich (doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chelyabinsk state University (Miass branch))
Malkova Tatyana Viktorovna (candidate of historical Sciences, Director, Miass branch of the Chelyabinsk state University)
The influence of the environment, as well as the educational sphere included in it, on the formation of ideas about the world, on the process of learning and accumulation of knowledge, processing and assimilation of new information by the individual occurs at several levels of conditioning. Pedagogy and didactic science, historically enriched accumulated in the development of knowledge of psychological, biological and other Sciences, at the present stage continue this trend, following the classics without losing sight of the philosophical approaches to the nature of consciousness, thinking, understanding, processing of information, and the latest achievements of cognitive and neurobiological Sciences. The purpose of this review is a brief analysis of empirical and epistemological modern research that explains the nature of the relationship between the conscious and unconscious in the assimilation of new knowledge and the environment, as one of the factors of this interaction. The analysis was carried out with elements of polychotomic and dichotomic approaches (developed by V. p. Klochkov et al.).
Keywords:perception of information; understanding in the process of learning; unconscious assimilation of knowledge; neurobiological aspects of learning; dichotomy; degree of complexity; understanding of the text.
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Citation link: Rybakova G. R., Klochkov V. P., Malkova T. V. External and internal factors of formation of new knowledge in training from interdisciplinary positions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№02. -С. 99-104 |