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The concept “Zeit” in teaching would-be geologists translation of professionally oriented texts

Telezhko I.   (RUDN University (Moscow))

Chernova O.   (RUDN University (Moscow))

Molchanova I.   (RUDN University (Moscow))

Yachno M.   (RUDN University (Moscow))

This article is devoted to the study of specific cognitive signs of the «Zeit» concept in German geological discourse. This concept is important and plays a major role in geological professional communication. It is to be taken into account while translating texts in the specialty "Geology". In order to translate concepts adequately, future translators need to know the specifics of their presentation in different lingvocultures.

Keywords:concept, semantic-cognitive analysis, culture, professional communication, professional-oriented translation, intercultural communication.


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Citation link:
Telezhko I. , Chernova O. , Molchanova I. , Yachno M. The concept “Zeit” in teaching would-be geologists translation of professionally oriented texts // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№03. -С. 97-101
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