Lavrinova N. I. (PhD in Philology, assistant professor, Northern Arctic Federal university (Arkhangelsk))
Vostryakova A. V. (PhD in Philology, assistant professor, Northern Arctic Federal university (Arkhangelsk))
Medvedkina K. A. (PhD in Philology, assistant professor, Northern Arctic Federal university (Arkhangelsk))
The article describes the linguistic indicators of such dialogic phenomena as non-cooperation, confrontation, speech dominance and speech leadership. The provisions are illustrated by examples from the texts of political interviews of D. Trump as the president of the United States.
Keywords:interview, speech interaction, cooperative communication, non-cooperative dialogue, conflictive dialogue.
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Citation link: Lavrinova N. I., Vostryakova A. V., Medvedkina K. A. Non-cooperation in dialogue: linguistic indicators // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№03. -С. 134-137 |