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The role of russian ethnic groups and social groups in the formation of military organization and protection of the interests of the Russian state in the XIX century

Boiarchuk Anna Vladimirovna  (Teacher, Moscow higher combined arms command school)

This paper attempts to briefly analyze the role of Russian ethnic groups, social communities in solving the problems of development and leadership of the state military organization in the Russian Empire. The processes of military transformations over the course of a century, which allowed the formation of an effective military organization capable of protecting the interests of the Russian state, are studied. Chronologically, the study covers the historical period of the XIX century.

Keywords:Russian ethnos, military organization, interests of the Russian state, nation, military modernization, Imperial statehood.


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Citation link:
Boiarchuk A. V. The role of russian ethnic groups and social groups in the formation of military organization and protection of the interests of the Russian state in the XIX century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№03. -С. 6-8
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