Savenkova Tatiana (Moscow City Pedagogical University)
Karpova Svetlana (Moscow City Pedagogical University)
The article substantiates the necessity of purposeful pedagogical work on leadership development in children in the senior preschool age. On the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign sources, the authors have defined structural and substantial characteristics of leadership abilities in older preschool children and developed a program for their development in the conditions of preschool educational organization. A distinctive feature of the programme ("Everyone can become a leader") is its focus on enabling every child in preschool groups to become an organizer and leader of various types of joint activity with his or her peers, and not only those children who have a sufficient level of leadership development as a result of diagnostics, or who clearly demonstrate them. Necessary conditions for the successful implementation of the program for the development of leadership skills in older preschool children are: methodological support of preschool teachers to improve their professional skills in the field of manifestation and development of leadership in older preschool age and building a system of cooperation between teachers and families of students at the level of socio-pedagogical partnership.
Keywords:children's leadership, older preschool children, leadership development program.
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Citation link: Savenkova T. , Karpova S. To the issue of leadership development for children in older preschool years // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№08. -С. 100-105 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.08.29 |