Evgrafova Yu. A. (PhD in Philology, associate professor, Moscow region state university (Mytyshi))
Main aim of this article is to analyze the usage of actantial model in polycode-multimodal texts. The main bulk of the research is the study of the videotexts of the Internet of the online platforms Instagram and TikTok (April 2020). As the result, the author comes to the conclusion, that the actants and actors may be related to each other by several means: one actant – one actor, one actant – several actors, two actants – one actor. In most of the analyzed narrative videotexts of the Internet all of the characters are included into the actantial model of the narration. The follow-up study of the actantial model of the screen narratives is of interest to the discovery of typical plots of the existential scenario of a person represented in the Internet. It also helps to disclose the overall pattern of the audio-visual message and connects the text on a compositional and structural level.
Keywords:polycode-multimodal, videotext, screen text, narrativity, actantial model
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Citation link: Evgrafova Y. A. Narrativity of videotexts of the internet: actantial model // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№09. -С. 153-155 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.09.12 |