Gadzhiakhmedov Nurmagomed Elderkhanovich (Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala))
Ziyaudinova Zagidat Ismailovna (Applicant, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala))
The article examined the conceptual and axiological composition of the concepts of «wealth» and «poverty» in the Dargin paremiological picture of the world. Concept «wealth» in the Dargwa language picture of the world lexemes davlachev «the rich man, the rich man» represent, davlachevs «rich», durkhjas «rich», arch «money», and the concept «poverty» is expressed by a lexeme miskin «the poor; poor» with derivatives of miskindesh «poverty», miskinsi «poor». The archiseme of the lexical meaning of the word gave wealth is «the presence of material values», and the archiseme of the lexical meaning of the word miskin «poor» is the absence of these values. The concept of «wealth» and «poverty» has one foundation, but different peaks.
Keywords:the concept of «wealth», the concept of «poverty», the con-ceptosphere, proverbs and sayings, paremia.
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Citation link: Gadzhiakhmedov N. E., Ziyaudinova Z. I. Verbalization of the concept of wealth and poverty in the paremiological picture of the world // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№09. -С. 149-152 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.09.10 |