Reshitov Nariman Mensutovich (graduate student, SBEIHE RC «CEPU named after Fevzi Yakubov» )
There is a problem in the article based on backup and published documents, memoirs of expellee Crimean tatars, to reconstruct the part of the story of special settlements on the territory of S.S. Republic of Uzbekistan in 1944-1956 years. Aspecial attention paid to the familia rization of the legal aspects of organization of special settlements, household conditions, labour in expulsion place.
Keywords:expulsion, Crimea, special settlements, S.S. Republic of Uzbekistan, Hungry range, hunger, cotton.
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Citation link: Reshitov N. M. The Crimean Tatars special settlers to S.S. Republic of Uzbekistan in 1944-1956 years // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№01. -С. 25-30 |