The past year has turned the usual algorithms of life of every inhabitant on earth, affecting not only social institutions, but also the language environment, in which such words as «covid-dissedent», «covidiot», «covidity», «coronasceptic», «coronaenthusiast», «coronavacation», «coronopanic», «covidarity», «coronial» and many others have appeared. Most of the words have counterparts in other languages. In addition to the words associated with the COVID-19 epidemic, other processes have occurred in China that have influenced the formation of new words and expressions. This article is devoted to the most popular words of the Republic of China since the appearance of the coronavirus, as well as other words and expressions that are not related to the pandemic period, which first appeared in the Chinese language in 2020.
Keywords:Russian language, Chinese language, neologisms, popular words of 2020, words of 2020.