Romanov A. S. (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
Balkanov I. V. (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military University" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation)
this article focuses on military stereotypes broadcast through the U.S. national war movie. Military film discourse is regarded as a media environment that contributes to a positive field of meanings about the U.S. Armed Forces and its service members. An overwhelming majority of military pictures addressed to the general public has a patriotic modality. The object of the research is the U.S. military cluster system of values reflected by social stereotypes. The subject area of scientific research is GI’s moral image mirrored by military and patriotic films. Illustrative material is drawn based on continuous sampling of relevant illustrations from 11 war films on World War II, the Vietnam conflict, the Persian Gulf War, the armed conflict in Somalia, the wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
Keywords:U.S. Armed Forces, military subculture, film discourse, stereotyping, axiosphere, system of values, GI.
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Citation link: Romanov A. S., Balkanov I. V. The moral and psychological image of the american gi reflected by military patriotic cinema (as exemplified in English) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№04. -С. 163-167 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.04.28 |