Leonova Elena (candidate of Science (Pedagogy), associate Professor, the Pacific State University, Khabarovsk)
Girina Irina (candidate of Science (Linguistics), associate Professor, the Pacific State University, Khabarovsk)
The article studies the ways of conveying linguocultural features of an English fairy tale in its Russian translation. The linguistic worldview of people reflects their cultural worldview, while cultural characteristics of people are reflected in the texts created by them. The linguocultural features of the text under study include mythologized linguistic units, symbols, non-equivalent vocabulary, and stylistic features of languages. When the translation is analyzed, special attention is paid to local dialect, vernacular language, euphemisms, taking into account differences in the meaning of lexical units, as well as the choice of a translation strategy.
Keywords:linguoculture, symbol, euphemism, vernacular language, translation strategy
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Citation link: Leonova E. , Girina I. Ways of conveying cultural linguistic components of English fairy tales in their Russian translation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№06. -С. 152-156 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.06.26 |