Rogatko Sergey Alexandrovich (candidate of Historical Sciences, Member of the Russian Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
This article analyzes the main factors contributing to development of fair and exchange trade of food products in the Central European part of Russia in the post-reform period. The characteristics of the main subjects of the grain fair and bazaar trade in the Volga region, as well as the fair food trade in the Chernozem provinces and other industrial regions are estimated. The statistics of all-Russian and regional fairs, emergence of food exchanges during the 19th century are investigated, the main factors, aspects and forms of exchange trading in large shopping centers, the interaction of authorities and business community within the framework of exchange trading, are analyzed, the main exchange mechanisms and forms of activity of industry exchange specializations are given a throughout analysis. The regulations on trade measures and weights are analyzed.
Keywords:Fairs, food markets, grain trade, trade turnover, traders, stock exchanges, specialization in stock trading, food processing industries, entrepreneurs, industrialists.
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Citation link: Rogatko S. A. Fair and exchange trade of food products in the Central European part of Russia in the second half of the XIXth – beginning of the XXth centuries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№07. -С. 24-29 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.07.29 |