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About information blocks in professional-oriented texts for learning design

Demidova Evgeniya Vladimirovna  (PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Pyatigorsk State University)

The text part of a professional thematic site for design is interesting from a scientific point of view, since it is multifunctional, informative and clearly structured. A professionally oriented text has a lexical (linguistic), logical and grammatical basis, organized in a certain way in order to convey information. The functioning of the language on a web page is due to the principle of hypertext. Hypertext is intended to make the document more understandable and convenient to use, to simplify the process of accessing data and, as a result, to ensure successful professional communication. It gives the website convenience and logical structure of content, useful functions for the user, the inclusion of media elements for a variety of content. In the structure of a professional website for designers, we observe the following information blocks: text content, information in the header and footer of the site; calls to action; pop-ups; advertisements about work with the site; information blocks on product cards; blocks in the sidebar. The text part of the studied websites (about 50) has the following characteristics: uniqueness (originality and originality of the content), optimization for search queries (keywords in texts for search robots). The authors of the textual part of the website, using professional vocabulary, verbalize the following concepts of the professional reality of a designer: "Advantages of the profession of a designer", "Disadvantages of the profession of a designer", "Directions of design", "Duties of a designer", "Professional skills of a designer", "Personal qualities of a designer" ...

Keywords:web design, hypertext, professional communication, dialogicity, dynamism, typography.


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Citation link:
Demidova E. V. About information blocks in professional-oriented texts for learning design // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№08. -С. 119-130 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.08.09
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