Starodubova Olga Yurievna (Candidate Sci. (Philology), associate professor, Moscow State Linguistic University)
Pervanyuk Alexandra Vasilievna (graduate student, Moscow State Linguistic University
In the context of globalization, digitalization of society, media centrism is becoming the main attribute of the era, in connection with which the mass media model individual segments of eventfulness, which form a new picture of the world, the cognitive paradigm of society. Interpretive reality, produced by media discourse using various mechanisms at the pragmatic and linguistic levels, becomes the only source of information for the recipient and actually displaces, replaces reality. Thus, the mass media are not so much a mediator between eventfulness and the recipient of information, but rather a producer of a new reality that is formed in the process of linguo-cognitive modeling. Modeling tools are various linguistic resources, one of which is the subject nomination. The study revealed that the category of the subject is one of the key resources for modeling the manipulative strategy of conflict-generating discourse. Knowledge of the mechanisms of its formation will allow the recipient to objectively evaluate the information presented by the media, not to react to manipulative tactics and to reveal the author's key intention as a generalized subject.
Keywords:media discourse, pragmatic and linguistic aspects, category of the subject, world picture, linguo-cognitive modeling.
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Citation link: Starodubova O. Y., Pervanyuk A. V. Media discourse as a producer of new reality: pragmatic and linguistic aspects // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№09. -С. 147-152 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.09.31 |