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The conflictogenic potential of proper names (based on the material of Internet comments on political news on websites KP.ru and varlamov.ru)

Falomkina I. P.  (Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kemerovo State University)

The article analyzes the word-formation, lexical, spelling, phonetic, graphic ways of transforming proper names in the Internet space. The actual material of the study is comments on political news on websites kp.ru and varlamov.ru, including distorted forms of toponyms. The following research methods are used in the work: the descriptive method, including observation, generalization, classification, the method of linguistic analysis of language material, the method of random sampling. The author notes the predominance of phonetic and word-forming methods of transformation of toponyms. The phonetic language game consists in fixing the features of oral communication that are impossible in written speech. When transforming toponyms, the following techniques are used: imitation of the speech of a native speaker of a foreign language, territorial dialect, vernacular, playing transliteration. Word-formation language game involves rethinking the word-formation structure of a word, contamination (addition of a toponym and a word with negative-evaluative semantics), games with abbreviations, creating new words using suffixation or prefix, truncation of proper names. The author believes that distorted toponyms become one of the factors of the unfolding of the conflict scenario of communication.

Keywords:language game, distortion of proper names, conflict, trolling, Internet comment


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Citation link:
Falomkina I. P. The conflictogenic potential of proper names (based on the material of Internet comments on political news on websites KP.ru and varlamov.ru) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№09. -С. 162-165 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.09.34
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