Korotaeva Irina Eduardovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university))
Kapustina Daria Mikhailovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university))
The article is devoted to the analysis of practical implication of American onomastic realia investigation. The authors selected aerospace anthroponyms and toponyms as a base of study and analyzed the problems of teaching students to work with this kind of vocabulary during the course of English language at technical university of aerospace field of training. In addition, the authors came to the conclusion that onomastic realia can be regarded as an important aspect of English language course, helping students to get deeper understanding of the historical development of their professional field. The significance of the analysis of onomastic realia is justified by their ability to clarify specific features of the national worldview. The onomastic lexical units are characterized by temporal orientation and reflect cultural and historical development of the country and its native speakers.
Keywords:language and culture, onomastic realia, onym, anthroponym, toponym, background knowledge.
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Citation link: Korotaeva I. E., Kapustina D. M. Applied aspects of onomastic realia study (based on the material of aerospace anthroponyms and toponyms) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№10. -С. 165-168 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.10.20 |