in this article we have attempted to analyze the meaning and content of the most important measures in the areas of industrial and social policy carried out by the owners of the "Krestovnikov Brothers Factory and Trading Partnership" at their Kazan stearin-soap, glycerin and chemical plant in the period between the First Russian and February revolutions.
Based on the studied sources, specific measures aimed at improving the company's production and social policy are analyzed. The objective relationship between the improvement of production and the development of social infrastructure at an advanced chemical plant operating in a market economy and free labor is revealed. In our work, we used universal methods of scientific cognition (deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, etc.) and the most important principles of historical cognition (principles of historicism, the principle of comprehensive study of history, the principle of objectivity, etc.). Obviously, it was impossible to ignore special methods of historical research (narrative, historical-genetic, synchronistic and others methods). All this made it possible to make a critical analysis of published and unpublished sources; to reveal the objective reasons for the improvement of social policy at the Kazan enterprise of the Krestovnikov brothers; to scientifically substantiate the periodization of the history of the enterprise; to identify similar signs of homogeneous processes (the development of chemical science and the production success of the plant, etc.), etc. An important conclusion is made that there is an objective difference between a certain "philanthropy" and social policy in the context of the functioning of advanced knowledge-intensive production.
Keywords:advanced enterprises of pre-revolutionary Russia, pre-revolutionary chemical industry, the situation of workers at the beginning of the XX century, social policy of the company, Krestovnikov brothers, Kazan province, the First Russian Revolution, Kazan stearin-soap, glycerin and chemical plant.