The article deals with the necessity to educate medical college students to have a valuable attitude towards a person, in particular, a sick person, who needs to be treated in a particularly sparing way. A special role in this process belongs to the medical college, which should teach students how to support the patient, to show participation in his fate. In this regard, college teachers should be carriers of culture, who are characterized by the highest spirituality. It has been noted that medical colleges pay little attention to the formation of a value-based attitude toward human beings among future specialists. The strategic direction of work along the lines of humanization of education is a person-centered approach, which puts the personality of the learner as the subject of training and education in the center of the entire educational system. The main pedagogical strategy is the strategy of cooperation, understanding, enthusiasm, and support.
Keywords:value attitude to a person, student, medical college, teacher, mid-level medical worker, upbringing, communication style, pedagogical strategy, personality-centered approach, contradictions, upbringing model.