Subject of research: the Soviet social model with all its achievements and contradictions. The objectives of the study were, through an interdisciplinary approach, to create a holistic and systematic picture of the historical experience of the development of the Soviet social model. The methodological basis of the article was the dialectical-materialistic method, combined with systemic and synergetic approaches.
Scientific novelty and results: firstly, it is established that in the updated Marxist theory-scheme of formations, for the socio-economic formation of communism (including socialism as its primary phase), only the post-industrial era is adequate, which was not the case in the USSR with its early industrialism; secondly, it is established that the low in the formation-stadially, the hybrid model of Soviet industrial socialism did not allow the formation of a high/mature socialist consciousness.
Conclusions: the insufficient socialist vector of development in the USSR turned out to be incredibly productive and brought the country to the world leaders. But the late USSR, where the processes of bourgeoisization of the elite and society for the most part flooded communist ideals, was in a systemic crisis. However, there was no predestination in the collapse of the communist project. The collapse of the great Soviet creative project - the USSR during the years of Perestroika happened largely due to the wrong strategy and tactics of the perestroika workers, due to a subjective factor.
Keywords:communist-Soviet, industrial, post-industrial, hybrid, bourgeois, values, consciousness, party nomenclature, systemic crisis.