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Analysis of the concept "health" in Russian and Chinese on the basis of phraseological units

Wang Xuejiao   (postgraduate, Department of Russian and Comparative Philology Ufa University of Science and Technology)

This article explores the reflection of the characteristics of Chinese and Russian cultures in phraseological units (PU) representing the concept of "health" (健康). The purpose of the work is to conduct a linguocultural analysis of Chinese and Russian phraseological units associated with the concept of "health" in order to identify their similarities and differences. The study used Russian phraseological units in a broad sense (i.e., both stable phrases corresponding to one word, and units that correspond semantically and structurally to the whole sentence), and Chinese phraseological units called "成语" (literally: "ready expression "; a stable turnover, most often consisting of four hieroglyphs). As a result of a linguocultural analysis of phraseological units associated with the concept of "health", it turned out that they all reflect common worldview and behavioral stereotypes, but also carry specific mental features of the Russian and Chinese ethnic communities. So, in the phraseology systems of both languages there are phraseological units that indicate the need for sports, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle to keep the body in good shape and achieve longevity. But at the same time, in Russian and Chinese phraseological units, different food products, animals and plants act as symbols of health and longevity, which makes it possible to judge the geographical place of residence, cultural characteristics and food habits of the two peoples.

Keywords:linguoculturology, concept, health, culture, comparison, phraseological units, Russian, Chinese.


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Citation link:
Wang X. Analysis of the concept "health" in Russian and Chinese on the basis of phraseological units // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№01. -С. 120-123 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.1.11
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