Kozhevnikov Mikhail Vasilyevich (Doctor of Philology, Professor
FGBOU VO "YUrGGPU", Chelyabinsk
Lapchinskaya Irina Viktorovna (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
FGBOU VO "YUrGGPU", Chelyabinsk
Kamneva Victoria Viktorovna (Assistant of the Department of Economics, Management and Law
FGBOU VO "YUrGGPU", Chelyabinsk
Nogina Anna Alexandrovna (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
FGBOU VO "YUrGGPU", Chelyabinsk
This article describes specific features of distance learning organization and forms of interaction between participants in the educational process; identifies organizational methods of interaction between participants in the educational process in distance learning; identifies tools to maximize individualization of the process and emphasize the gaps in knowledge of the learner at the end of training; the main problems in obtaining education by students, characteristic of the current state of distance learning, have been identified, and the organisational basis for the implementation of distance learning and the content and technological components of the organisation of this process to eliminate the problems identified have been substantiated.
Keywords:distance learning, interaction between participants of the educational process, flexibility, modularity, variability, long-range interaction, asynchrony, cost-effectiveness
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Citation link: Kozhevnikov M. V., Lapchinskaya I. V., Kamneva V. V., Nogina A. A. PECULIARITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TRAINING BASED ON THE USE OF DISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№04. -С. 103-107 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.4.25 |