Te O. E. (Cand. Sc. (Philolog.), Assoc. Professor
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Trinko D. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the linguistic means of the linguistic and cultural value "Environment" in the PRC social advertising. More than 100 units of social posters were analysed using the continuous sampling method, resulting in the identification of the most frequently used techniques (reduplication, rhyme). This study has shown the particular importance of studying the linguistic and cultural aspect of social advertising in order to deeply understand the cultural values of the Chinese people.
Keywords:social advertising in China, linguistic means, linguocultural value, reduplication, expressive means, linguocultural value "Environment"
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Citation link: Te O. E., Trinko D. V. LINGUISTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSING THE LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL VALUE OF THE "ENVIRONMENT" IN CHINESE SOCIAL ADVERTISING // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№07. -С. 143-147 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.7.27 |