Yuzbekova Marina Kasumovna (Educator of the compensating group for children with mental retardation, head of the methodological association, Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten "Ryabinka" (Barsovo village))
Suvorova Anna Anatolyevna (Teacher-psychologist, Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten "Ryabinka" (Barsovo village))
One of the priority areas of education in the Russian Federation is the development and improvement of the mentoring system in an inclusive environment. The lack of qualified personnel in this area and the lack of a student-centered approach to children with disabilities are proposed to be solved through mentoring. The problem of personal and professional readiness of teachers to work with special children is still relevant in the practice of inclusive education. To date, the system of mentoring in an inclusive environment needs to be improved, the development of a competency-based model of a mentor in the system of inclusive education of children. The purpose of the article is to study the features of mentoring in the modern educational practice of inclusive education. As a research methodology in identifying the features and types of mentoring in an inclusive environment, the author of the article analyzed and synthesized existing theories and educational practices in mentoring and inclusive activities. Analyzed various types of mentoring; requirements for the mentoring process are formulated. It is concluded that an adequately constructed mentoring process is a necessary and important pedagogical condition for the formation of professional competence of teachers of inclusive education.
Keywords:mentoring, inclusive education, personal and professional competencies, social and educational mentoring, educational and methodological mentoring.
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Citation link: Yuzbekova M. K., Suvorova A. A. FEATURES OF MENTORING IN AN INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT: ITS CONTENT AND TYPES // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№09. -С. 93-96 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.9.39 |