Romanov Alexander Vyacheslavovich (Postgraduate student at Irkutsk State University)
This article examines the role of the US armed forces in the implementation of Washington's foreign policy at the initial stage of the Cold War. The author has identified and analyzed the main forms of “indirect” use of the United States armed forces and their role in Washington’s foreign policy activities. The author pays special attention to the bloc and “basic” policies of the United States, military-technical cooperation between Washington and recipient countries, which are considered as tools for spreading and consolidating US influence in the international arena. The author considers such forms of “indirect” use of armed forces as involving the opponent in local wars and arms races. The article assesses the role and place of “indirect” forms of use of the US armed forces and military-industrial complex within the framework of Washington’s strategy to build a “Pax Americana”.
Keywords:USA, indirect actions, armed forces
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Citation link: Romanov A. V. POLICY OF INDIRECT USE OF THE US ARMED FORCES AS A TOOL FOR BUILDING PAX AMERICANA AT THE EARLY STAGE OF THE COLD WAR // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№05. -С. 43-47 DOI 10.37882/2223–2982.2024.5.32 |