Kyzlasov A. S. (Candidate of Philology, V.N.S. of the language sector of GBNIU "Khakniiyali", Abakan)
Beloglazov P. E. (Candidate of Philology, S.N.S. of the language sector of GBNIU "Khakniiyali", Abakan)
The article is devoted to the description of the results of a language expedition conducted by researchers of the Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (Khakniiyali) to the Tashtypsky district of Khakassia. The characteristic lexical features of the Sagai and Shor dialects of the Khakass language are highlighted and described. Statistical data on the degree of use of the Sagai and Shor dialects in communication between its speakers are given. The article also contains the colloquial speech of some informants recorded on a dictaphone by the authors of the study. Modern data on the Sagai and Shor dialects of the Khakass language are collected. The linguistic materials of the Sagai and Shor dialects were recorded and a questionnaire was conducted to identify the language situation in the villages of compact residence of speakers of these dialects. On the basis of the questionnaire, some aspects of the functioning of the Sagai and Shor dialects of the Khakass language were revealed. A comparative analysis of the data was carried out with the data of previous expeditions to other regions of Khakassia. Based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion was made about the problems of the functional development of the Khakass language.
Keywords:Khakass language, language situation, questionnaire, Sagai and Shor dialects.
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Citation link: Kyzlasov A. S., Beloglazov P. E. DIALECTS OF THE KHAKASS LANGUAGE ARE THE BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF ITS ORAL COLLOQUIAL FORM // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№06. -С. 143-148 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.06.16 |