Katunina Elena E. (PhD in Biology, Associate Professor
Samara State Medical University
Glubokova Maria N. (PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Samara State Medical University, Associate Professor
The article discusses the key aspects of changes associated with digital transformation in higher education and their impact on chemistry teaching methods. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the potential and challenges associated with the integration of modern information technologies, including big data processing, blockchain, and digital footprint analysis into the educational process. The influence of these technologies on the personalization of learning, the modernization of educational and methodological apparatus, and the transformation of traditional educational processes is studied. The article presents promising areas for the development of professional training in light of the requirements of high-tech production. The article highlights the problems of ensuring the relevance of educational content in the context of rapid dissemination of data through information and communication technologies.
Keywords:digital transformation, chemical education, big data processing, blockchain, personalization of learning, electronic educational resources, information and communication technologies, modernization of educational and methodological apparatus.
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Citation link: Katunina E. E., Glubokova M. N. TRANSFORMATION OF CHEMISTRY TEACHING METHODOLOGY IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№10/3. -С. 69-74 DOI 10.37882/2223–2982.2024.10–3.14 |