The article analyzes the semantics of the core words of poetic phraseological units in the novel of Ivan Turgenev «First Love» (1860). Poetic phraseology is an important element of Ivan Turgenev's individual style, it performs not only an aesthetic function in his works, but also serves to reveal images and promote the plot. In the novel «First Love» we discovered 5 semantic fields, which consist of phraseological nests and thematic groups, respectively: «Man» («Eyes», «Blood», «Heart»), «Inner world» («Emotions», «Creativity», «Thoughts»), «Transformation» («Displacement», «Destruction», «Game»), «Cold», «Heat». The semantic fields «Heat» and «Cold» form a semantic antinomy in the system of characters, namely Vladimir and Zinaida. The lexemes «blood», «heart», «eyes», «smile», which make up the semantic fields «Inner world» and «Man», convey the inner experiences of the characters and characterize their psychology. The poetic phraseological units of the semantic field «Transformation» are plot-forming and have a pragmatic function.
Keywords:poetic phraseological units, semantic field, thematic group, phraseological unit, phraseological nests, somatisms