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Translation of cultureme in the morpheme (on the example of morpheme with the meaning of localization)

Hu Yeshuang   (Shanghai International Studies University, School of Russian and Eurasian Studies, Shanghai(China))

The morpheme of the Chinese language differs from the morpheme of alphabetic languages, since it mainly consists of one syllable and corresponds to the shape of a hieroglyph. For translation, this is particularly important: on the one hand, it can be a hint of meaning for translators, on the other – an incentive to the literal translation, which sometimes leads to a loss of meaning. To show the function of the morpheme in the cultural translation, we chose, based on the characteristics of the Chinese language, for the analysis of the morpheme with the meaning of localization. In this article we try to open rules of differentiation of morphemes and words with meaning of localization, we analyze three types of cultural meanings which need to be transferred in cultural translation; using translation facts to show one of the reasons of wrong translation – non-identification of morphemes and words. Based on the evidence provided, we emphasize the role of morpheme in cultural translation from Chinese into foreign languages as a unit of cultural translation.

Keywords:cultural translation, cultural meaning, the morpheme with the meaning of localization, a unit of cultural translation


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Citation link:
Hu Y. Translation of cultureme in the morpheme (on the example of morpheme with the meaning of localization) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№08. -С. 184-188
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