Mushegyan Samvel Vanyaevich (Lecturer, Kuban State University)
Semenova Sofiya Novikovna (Associate Professor, Kuban State University)
The present paper investigates the comprehensive research of the formation of the principle of good conscience as a category defining public-private relations in the state on the example of Russian writer A.S. Pushkin’s activities, in particular, in his work “The History of Pugachev’s Revolt”. The analysis in the article was carried out due to the poet’s state activity to the objectively present circumstances of the revolt, the actions of persons and manifestations of dishonesty of the parties to the conflict. The authors used such methods in the study of the selected materials as: 1) historicism, 2) comparative analysis. The research is valuable considering the disclosure of the content of conscientious or unfair actions of public and private persons on the example of the historical facts. The study is structured by considering and interpreting the events described in the material from linguistic, historical and legal points of view.
Keywords:linguistic, historical and legal analysis; state interests; Cossacks; A.S. Pushkin; Pugachev’s revolt
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Citation link: Mushegyan S. V., Semenova S. N. INTERPRETATION OF THE CONCEPT “GOOD CONSCIENCE” IN HISTORICAL AND FICTIONAL IMAGES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF A.S. PUSHKIN’S WORK “THE HISTORY OF PUGACHEV’S REVOLT”) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2024. -№02. -С. 144-146 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2024.02.22 |